Legends and Tall Tales

1. William Muncus was descended from Tillman Muenker from Germany.

2. He was descended from George Monk from Cornwall.

3. His second wife Elizabeth did not get along with his first set of kids...so they left for MO and we all lost touch.

4. Benjamin Munkus, who was from the 2nd set of kids was married to a full blooded Indian Woman. (Cousin Sam finally remembered this and told me!)....Kim...in my notes I took of some of Lester Kenady's talk I see where he said Mapy's granddad-Jim Moncus was part Indian... Now Jim (not to be confused with River Jim) was James Logan Moncus I guess, who would be Benjamin's son. So our Legend is gaining credibility! (did I spell that right? I just love fancy words, but it looks dumb if you spell them wrong )

5. Benjamin was with Andrew Jackson in Clay Co. AL when he signed a treaty with the Indians, which is why my great grandfather, one of his grandson's was named Andrew Jackson Moncus.

6. The Monkey Wrench was originally called the Moncus wrench because a Moncus invented it.

7. James Logan, Andrew Jackson Moncus' father, was married to Margaret Hamilton, who's father was James W. Hamilton, was related to Alexander Hamilton. Alex's father and brother were both named James Hamilton. The legend is he's our Uncle, so I always thought her dad might be Alex's brother. See the family resemblance? HAHAHAHA!

8. B.C. Munkus left home at age 9 to find his brother Joe's killer, see his page! https://members.tripod.com/Kimberlady/bcmunkus.html

9. This one is true, I know it. My Grandaddy, Kermit Roosevelt Moncus married my Granny, Murle Haney Oliver Moncus, in Herman and Inez Kilgore's car! by Judge Cauldwell. Imagine, all those years ago, before "anything goes" was popular, they got married in a car! My Grandmother told me this just before she died....If I had not spent the last few months with her at home, we would never have known. No one else in the family (living) knew it. (that I know of)

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Kim Moncus Brown

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