General Genealogy Links
The Queen Of Genealogy on the internet, if you want links in general, I
think she has them all covered. I certainly owe her a big Thanks!
Search with their Global search! It is the greatest
Pay site around, with many free searches. It is the best buy, since
you can join for a whole year, and have unlimited searches. (unlike some
other pay sites) They are constantly updating their databases, getting
new files to search. If you are serious about your search, join Ancestry!
You even get free software when you join!
Family Tree Maker Web Site
More free searches. As with most, there are some things you might like
to have, that you have to pay for. Just go there, it's great!
U.S. Genealogy Web
Links to all the USgenweb State pages and more!
Roots Web
Home of RootsL Oldest and Largest Genealogy Site on the web! Surname searches
and more.
Later Day Saints family search
Excellent free site! I highly recommend it. Free searching,
free software, and advice on how to continue your search.
Family Links
Clay County Alabama's Web
My cousin Sam does this page...My branch of the family settled in Clay
Co. AL
Sam Russell's
home page
This is cousin Sam's Home Page.
Tucumcari, New
Mexico...Moncus Story
This guy tells a really good story about Herman Moncus, In Tucumcari, NM
Family Tree
My Cousin Gerry Munkres Davis, Munkres Family tree at
This is all you will ever need. It does everything
all the others do(imports and exports gedcoms, makes different styles of
tree etc.) AND it makes the easiest to read, easiest to make, very best
web pages for your family tree that you could ever find! You might
guess that I am a big fan of winfamily. I have been using it for
years, and have only recently registered it. Oh yes, I forgot to mention
it is shareware. Get it and use it free, the only thing disabled in winfamily
unregistered is that you can't print, and you can't make webpages.
Registration is 50 dollars, believe me, it is money well spent!